EVAWAY’s Green Ichimi, also known as Ao Ichimi, is a unique and flavorful chili pepper seasoning made from green chili peppers. Unlike traditional red chili pepper powders, this green version offers a slightly milder and fresher taste with a vibrant green color. This 12g bottle is perfect for adding a distinct spicy kick to various dishes, including noodles, soups, grilled meats, and more. The fresh, green flavor of Ao Ichimi provides a unique twist to traditional Japanese and fusion cuisine.
100% green chili peppers.
How to Use:
• Sprinkle Green Ichimi over noodles, soups, or grilled meats to add a fresh, spicy flavor.
• Use it as a seasoning in marinades, sauces, or as a finishing spice to enhance the flavor of your dishes.
• Adjust the amount according to your desired level of spiciness.
• Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
• Ensure the bottle is closed tightly after each use to maintain freshness.
• Use sparingly, as this product still carries a significant amount of heat despite being milder than red chili pepper.
• Contains 12g of Green Ichimi (Ao Ichimi) in a convenient bottle.
• Made from high-quality green chili peppers for a fresh and vibrant flavor.
• Ideal for adding a unique, spicy twist to a variety of dishes.